Welcome Winter Season!

Look for our Delicious Winter recipes

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Getting ready for some serious smoking

Pastrami and smoked fish are one of our favorite cold cuts to entertain. Thanks to the mild winter we have had to date here in SE TX, the weather is perfect for cold smoking fish.

The grouper is curing in salt while the briskets were just pulled out of the brine and drying in the refrigerator to form the necessary pelicle required for smoking.

We should be ready  to smoke these pieces tomorrow and Tuesday.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fin de Año con clase // Year End with class !!

Tuvimos el placer  de cerrar en año en compañia de nuestros seres queridos. Desde mediados de Septiembre, y hasta mediados de Enere, recibimos la visita de casi toda la familia. Con tan buenos comenzales no nos quedo otra que cocinar! // We had the priviledge and pleasure of wrapping up 2011 in company of our loved ones. Since mid September, and thru mid January, we welcome most of our family. With such good "eaters" we had no other choice but to cook for them!

Cocinando desde pavo y pernil hasta piernas de cordero; tuvimos la oportunidad de mejorar recetas conocidas y probar nuevas recetas. Durante 2012 les compartiremos nuestro aprendizajes y nuevos tips. Despues de todo, la practica hace la perfeccion. // From Turkey and Hams to whole legs of Lamb, we master known recipes and venture into new ones. In 2012 we will share our learning and news tips. As you know, practice drives perfection.